
Guesting on A Movie Podcast (2024)

Usually I’m chasing people to be guests on my podcast productions, but I was invited to return to A Dingo Ate My Movie! podcast, hosted by Peter Iacono.

When I was previously on, I reviewed the 1980s schlock-horror Ozploitation film Houseboat Horror. This time, I was asked to do a double feature – 1970’s Ozploitation sex comedies Alvin Purple and Alvin Rides Again.

Available on your favourite podcast platform.

Thank you for having me on, Peter!

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A Dingo Ate My Movie! Podcast guest reviewer (2023)

I was asked to be a guest reviewer for A Dingo Ate My Movie! – a podcast about Australian film and Ozploitation cinema.

The host Peter Icaono knew I was a fan of the schlock horror Houseboat Horror, and as it had recently come out on blu-ray, I naturally said “yes! I will watch it and tell you too much about it!”.

The following is the result:

A Dingo Ate My Movie! is available on your favourite podcast platform.

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Interview: Boris Conley for The Champagne Comedy Podcast (2023)

Throughout the run of Frontline, Elliot Rhodes performed a catchy jingle at the end of the week, making the audience laugh and annoying the heck out of Mike Moore. In conjunction with MyGeekCulture.com.au, The Champagne Comedy Podcast managed to convince the man behind Elliot – Boris Conley – a highly talented pianist and performer – to come on the podcast and chat about behind the scenes, how he got the role, and what makes the humourist tick.

Produced and edited by myself, alongside the Champagne Comedy Podcast Team.

Interview: Boris Conley for The Champagne Comedy Podcast (2023) Read More »

Social Media Samples to promote your Podcast

One of the ways of promoting your podcast is to be savvy on social media and adjust your content to various ways said social media site allows you to do so.

A common way of getting the content out there visually is creating an Audiogram, where you combine text and imagery together. You can be limited to timelength, so you need to be selective with the content and make it a ‘hook’ to compel others to be interested.

Here is a sample of what I created for the Champagne Comedy Podcast. Because of limitations for footage, I used screenshots to illustrate the point. I then posted these videos on TikTok, instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, with the idea of viewing on a mobile phone.

Each video runs for under a minute, which keeps any distractions at bay.

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Champagne Comedy Podcast: Jason Stephens Speaks

As part of the Champagne Comedy Podcast series I produce, my new challenge was to include video with the audio.

D-Generation / The Late Show alumni Jason Stephens joins the Champagne Comedy Podcast for a chat about all things The Late Show. We completely nerd out asking all the fan questions we could think of.

Recorded November 6, 2021.

For ChampagneComedy.com.

Produced by Matt Fulton Productions – mattfulton.com.au

Animation by UploadMakers.com

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Champagne Comedy Podcast: A Year On In

Late August 2020 was the day the Champagne Comedy Podcast was launched. It was all due to the pandemic, and with Australia in lockdown and isolation, I gathered a few fellow fans of The Late Show to watch and review episodes and make a podcast out of it.

It started as a novelty, and now a year later with more than 20 episodes and specials in the can, it has evolved into interviews and guest reviewers. We expected downloads in the hundreds, but it’s now in the 10s of 1000s.

Here’s a montage of interviews of people who have been involved in the actual TV show, being parodied or contributing in one form or another.

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