December 2018

Dear Diary Seven

Whoops! I accidentally let this lapse. I was going to write an entry yesterday, but I couldn’t get around to it. I then thought I will publish an entry in the evening, but same thing – couldn’t get around to it.

Yesterday – Tuesday 4th December, we had Russell Ingall come in and co-host breakfast.

A new streaming service from Ch 10 / CBS is now available and I naturally got excited. But for some reason my ISP at home does not work for access, which sucks – as I was going to do a review. I’m now in two minds whether to write one up… I’ll think about it.

Last night, I watched an episode of Michael Palin’s travel series where he travels to North Korea. Which reminded me to write this diary entry.

The last few days I have been listening to old Martin/Molloy episodes and feeling inspired on classic sketches and station imaging.

Today, Galey is filling in for breakfast co-host.

14 days until holiday break!

Have a great one.

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Diary Entry Six

So, I missed out on an entry on Sunday 2nd December. But with good reason.

Actually, I don’t have a good reason. I got lazy. It was my day off.

It was hot weather all day. I surfed the interwebs. Did grocery shopping. On Saturday evening we made gingerbread houses. Sunday – munch time.

Today – Monday 3rd December, I’m at work, preparing for the Christmas / Holiday imaging session. Madeleine West is sitting in on the breakfast show.

It was hot at 6am this morning. About 27 degrees. I’m regretting wearing jeans. Already feeling warm.

I’ve knocked down an espresso and had a sugar rush by munching on some gingerbread.

Let’s see how today goes!

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Diary Entry Five

Wasn’t sure if I was going to write an entry today – especially on a weekend. But I found a small bit of time to do so.

This is my second attempt at writing this entry, and my laptop battery is low. So I’ll make this quick.

It’s Saturday – bought candies and decorations to put on our gingerbread houses while sipping eggnog. It’s the 1st December and already enjoying the festivities!

Relaxed and played Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PS4. Two hours of just walking around on a digital map. I don’t know how people “game” or take it seriously. The game really makes you slow down and appreciate game-playing. Maybe it’s just me being impatient.

Scorching hot outside – couldn’t take the dog for a walk.

Tomorrow, another day of R&R as next week is a busy week with production, which I am looking forward to hitting head on and making some of the best imagery I can churn out. Currently listening to another station’s playlist to get some music ideas. Have noted a few down on my list.

Bring it.

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