Dear Diary Seven
Whoops! I accidentally let this lapse. I was going to write an entry yesterday, but I couldn’t get around to it. I then thought I will publish an entry in the evening, but same thing – couldn’t get around to it.
Yesterday – Tuesday 4th December, we had Russell Ingall come in and co-host breakfast.
A new streaming service from Ch 10 / CBS is now available and I naturally got excited. But for some reason my ISP at home does not work for access, which sucks – as I was going to do a review. I’m now in two minds whether to write one up… I’ll think about it.
Last night, I watched an episode of Michael Palin’s travel series where he travels to North Korea. Which reminded me to write this diary entry.
The last few days I have been listening to old Martin/Molloy episodes and feeling inspired on classic sketches and station imaging.
Today, Galey is filling in for breakfast co-host.
14 days until holiday break!
Have a great one.