Short Audio Story: Make It Last (2019)
In March 2019 I entered a RODE competition to create a two minute podcast about any topic I wanted, in order to win some great podcasting products. (I didn’t win, but I don’t care).
From my brain was “Make It Last” – a two minute feature based on my grandparents. I was lucky enough to have them in my life until my late 30s, and cherished every moment with them.
In 2014, I recorded interviews with them about their experience living during the World War II period. I had some off-cuts, which showed their personalities more than anything. Grandad (Fred), Nanna Shirley and Nanna Hazel got together over a coffee (with assistance from Mum) and they chatted our ears off. Unfortunately Pa (Ron) had passed away in 1991, so I wasn’t lucky enough to record anything from him… even though I was 10 at the time.
Grandad (Fred) passed away in 2016. Nanna Shirley passed away in 2017. Nanna Hazel passed away in 2021.
I love them and miss them, terribly. But I have these recordings which I will cherish forever.
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