March 2019

Short Audio Story: Make It Last (2019)

In March 2019 I entered a RODE competition to create a two minute podcast about any topic I wanted, in order to win some great podcasting products. (I didn’t win, but I don’t care).

From my brain was “Make It Last” – a two minute feature based on my grandparents. I was lucky enough to have them in my life until my late 30s, and cherished every moment with them.

In 2014, I recorded interviews with them about their experience living during the World War II period. I had some off-cuts, which showed their personalities more than anything. Grandad (Fred), Nanna Shirley and Nanna Hazel got together over a coffee (with assistance from Mum) and they chatted our ears off. Unfortunately Pa (Ron) had passed away in 1991, so I wasn’t lucky enough to record anything from him… even though I was 10 at the time.

Grandad (Fred) passed away in 2016. Nanna Shirley passed away in 2017. Nanna Hazel passed away in 2021.

I love them and miss them, terribly. But I have these recordings which I will cherish forever.

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Podcast completion and Jive Beans Promo

Why, hello there!

Today, I recorded the last podcast for the season for the Gold Coast Women Of The Year by The Gold Coast Bulletin. Over the next few days I’ll be adding the finishing touches and launch it into the world.

My creative writing class I did at TAFE was thoroughly entertaining and learnt a fair bit. Expect to see some more confident writing from me in the future.

Over the last week, I’ve helped energize a small business on social media by creating more content to help promote their business. You’ll see it here at Jive Beans Mobile Cafe. Here’s an example of a video promo I created, that cost ZERO $. *No secrets revealed!*


I have more ideas up my sleeve. Stay tuned.

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