Here’s a brief update from me, as my next day in Orlando is pretty useless.
The day we were leaving NY, I copped a minor eye infection from the pollution and dirt in the air. So I used regular Visine eyedrops. All good and well.
The next day, my eye flared up in itchiness. More eye drops. Go on the rides at Universal Studios. My eye eased up a little until lunch time, when it wouldn’t stop watering. I went back to the hotel room to put eyedrops in and sleep it off. Reece and Pete came back and I asked them to check the concierge for any doctors that do house calls. I got the doctor’s details, and they checked in at 10:45pm.
“you don’t have conjunctivitis, but you should go to the hospital. Your iris may be swollen and you could lose your vision.”
Oh great… So the hotel organizes a taxi to Orlando Hospital. Have you ever used your travel insurance before while traveling abroad? Well, I’m about to use it. The in-house doctor charged $321, so we’ll see how this hospital trip goes.
Location:Brandon Cir,Orlando,United States